HE Blended Learning Policy
1. Policy statement
1.1. The British Academy of Jewellery (BAJ) has a positive policy of equality and diversity and strives to support students wherever possible. Teaching and learning strategies, including the use of blended learning, will be tailored to the needs of students and their study programmes.
1.2. The Academy will make every effort to ensure that students are given every opportunity to access online content in order to study, provided it can ensure its safeguarding commitment to the whole Academy community.
2. Purpose of the policy
2.1. The purpose of this policy is to set out the Academy’s operating principles and processes which apply to the development, delivery, and monitoring of programmes of study leading to an award, wholly or in part, delivered through blended learning.
3. Aims of the policy
3.1. To ensure that blended learning delivery meets the guidelines set by awarding organisations.
3.2. To ensure that assessment methodology is valid, reliable and does not disadvantage any group or individual students.
3.3. To prepare students for the needs of today and their future working lives where the curriculum and/or their employment require them to learn how to locate, retrieve and exchange information using a variety of technologies.
4. Scope of the policy
4.1. This policy applies exclusively to all Higher Education provision offered by The British Academy of Jewellery. This also applies to sub contractual provision.
4.2. This policy supports the Academy in developing flexible learning opportunities in professional and continuing education programmes.
4.3. This policy sets out the Academy’s approach and expectations with regards to online behaviour and session protocols. Details of such behaviour and protocols are published in the Online Learning Code of Conduct, Appendix 1 of this document.
5. Related documents
- HE Academic Misconduct Policy
- HE Student Attendance Policy
- Student Complaints Policy
- Tuition Fee and Refund Policy
- Declaration of Criminal Convictions
- Additional Learner Support and SEND Policy
- Fitness to Practise Policy
- Disciplinary Policy and Code of Conduct
- Student Charter
- Terms and Conditions
6. Definitions
6.1. Blended learning is a formal approach to education that creates an integrated learning environment where face-to-face and online teaching and learning become complementary, with the purpose of giving students a more diverse and engaging learning experience.
6.2. Distance learning is where students are recruited and enrolled online and study independently using virtual learning environments – for example via online courses, postal resources, and telephone/online support.
6.3. Online teaching and learning can be in the form of a live lesson (normally as per the timetable) where a teacher is present and delivers a full session online. The lesson will follow a similar structure to a classroom lesson with tutor delivery, student discussion, Q&A, assessment, and feedback of learning.
6.4. Alternatively online teaching and learning can be in the form of independent study tasks, this does not involve students attending live face to face or online lessons as per their timetable. Examples of activities that could be conducted in their remote learning aspect of the course could include pre reading, research tasks, watching clips and answering questions, assignment work and small group work (without teacher present).
7. Principles
The Academy will:
- Ensure that teaching/delivery/assessment staff are timetabled to support blended learning when students are working remotely.
- Ensure there is a process to manage feedback on assignments, questions are constructively answered, and feedback is provided in a timely manner.
- Ensure the setting of assignments is undertaken in face-to-face sessions and that deadlines are clear.
- Ensure that when students submit work measures are taken to ensure the work is authentic and has been completed by the learner.
- Maintain and store securely all assessment and internal verification records in accordance with awarding body requirements.
8. Operating principles
8.1. Lecturers and learning support staff are timetabled to support blended learning when students are working remotely.
8.2. Feedback on assignments will be provided in a timely manner in accordance with the Academy’s HE Academic and Assessment Regulations Policy.
8.3. The setting of assignments will be undertaken in face-to-face sessions and deadlines and submission format will be made clear to students.
8.4. Measures to prevent and detect any instances of malpractice which may arise due to the different delivery/assessment methods chosen will be implemented in accordance with the Academy’s HE Academic Misconduct Policy.
8.5. When students submit work, evidence to ensure that the work is authentic and has been completed by the learner will be recorded. Students are made aware of the need to ensure they avoid any forms of malpractice (for example plagiarism), and the consequences should they commit it during induction, as set out in the Academy’s induction plan.
8.6. Where students are unable to access digital resources as a result of “digital poverty” the Academy will advise the student in accessing relevant technologies and/or alternative resources tailored to their individual and course needs.
8.7. Academics and managers should consult with awarding bodies directly for courses intended to be delivered as distance learning and/or distance assessment prior to delivery of such courses, e.g. online courses.
8.8. Except in exceptional circumstances, for example where a student or cohort is required to move to remote delivery for a period as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, blended delivery should not account for more than half of a student’s programme of study.
8.9. Students with identified additional needs will access online learning with support from the Academic Support tutor. The tutor will join online lessons to offer support, in the same way as they support students in the classroom. Some students with additional needs will be able to access support on campus.
8.10. The quality of blended learning delivery will be assessed and assured in accordance with Academy Quality Assurance.
9. Staff training
9.1. All staff involved are required to undertake annual training relevant to their needs. Key advice for staff supporting online learning and teaching is to:
- Establish clear ground rules and expectations for students. This could provide an opportunity to work with students to develop mutual understanding.
- In the event of an incident taking place, it is also important to ensure that staff know who they can speak to for support and that students are aware of what actions will be taken and where they receive additional help and support.
10. Data protection
10.1. BAJ complies with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation Data Protection Act, 2018. As such, applicants’ and student data are treated as confidential by all staff involved in this process and is not divulged unnecessarily or inappropriately. However, the aforementioned Act requires BAJ to release certain information to UK authorities upon request in order to assist those authorities with the prevention and detection of fraud or other crimes. We will release the requested information on receipt of an appropriate request from UK authorities such as (but not limited to) the police, Home Office (for immigration and related matters), local authorities, and the Department for Work and Pensions. We may use anonymised data collected as part of an individual’s application and enrolment for the purpose of fulfilling statistical and reporting requirements.
10.2. BAJ will collect data on student course transfers, and use the data:
- internally for reporting, evaluation, learning and training; and
- externally for discussion with regulators in the higher education sector.
10.3. The data used by BAJ for the purposes set out above will be anonymised. Personal data and sensitive personal/special categories of data (‘Personal Data’) as defined by the Data Protection Act 1998 (the “DPA”) or the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR) as relevant may be disclosed to BAJ members of staff and regulators only for those purposes. Personal Data will not be shared with any other third parties unless BAJ has the student’s express consent, has a statutory obligation to do so, or is otherwise permitted to do so under the DPA/GDPR.
11. Relevant sources of information
11.1 Useful websites include:
- Jisc – Guide to blended learning: jisc.ac.uk/guides/creating-blended- learning-content
Appendix 1
Online Learning Code of Conduct
The British Academy of Jewellery expects all students to adhere to this Student Code of Conduct and demonstrate these appropriate behaviours during all virtual timetabled sessions. Attendance is mandatory for all scheduled online classes. Attendance without visible presence will be considered absence.
Getting ready
- Be on time for all your virtual sessions.
- Show full engagement at all times by keeping on your camera throughout the session.
- Think about an appropriate location. Conduct video calls from a desk.
- Position yourself away from where other people are in your household.
- Check your internet connection and test your audio and/or video before a scheduled call.
- Look at your screen, pay attention to others and when speaking make sure to look at your camera.
- Use the ‘blur background option’ to hide any background if needed.
- Mute your microphone when not needing to talk to avoid any background noise.
- Do not attend live classes while driving a car or doing any other activity where your safety is compromised by not paying 100% attention.
- Do not conduct video calls from your bed.
- Do not have your phone switched on – treat this just like you would a face-to-face meeting.
- Be committed to succeed and take accountability of your actions.
- Be aware of the HE Student Disciplinary Policy & Code of Conduct – British Academy of Jewellery (britishacademyofjewellery.uk) and that this applies equally in online learning activities and social media.
- Conduct yourself in a professional manner throughout your virtual lesson and respect other participants.
- Take pride in your appearance and wear appropriate clothing.
- Adhere to the Academy Values: Equality, Commitment and Respect.
- Do not use offensive or inappropriate language verbally or in the ZOOM Chat window.
Safeguarding and online safety
- Report any concerns you have about your own safety or someone else’s to a member of staff or Administration.
- Be aware that virtual sessions can be recorded by your lecturer, to safeguard our students and would not routinely be shared.
If your behaviour and actions do not demonstrate the Student Code of Conduct of being Ready, Respectful and Safe, the Academy will implement sanctions and immediate actions will be undertaken through the Academy Disciplinary Procedures which may jeopardise your status and potential progression opportunities.
Originator: HE Quality Manager
Issue: HE/BLP_V123/24
Approve: HE Academic Board 01/08/2024
Review Date: 01/08/2025