HE Extension Request Procedure

1. Introduction

  • 1.1. This document outlines the procedures for students to request a long-term extension to an assignment submission deadline, and the procedure for British Academy of Jewellery (BAJ) Staff to follow to either approve or reject the request.
  • 1.2. The purpose of the document is to have a clear procedure that will:
    • (a) Apply uniformity and consistency of treatment across BAJ.
    • (b)Provide clear guidence on the process to be followed when a student requests a course transfer.
    • (c)Enable up-to-date student assessment information to be available.
    • (d)Serve as a BAJ procedure statement to interested third parties.
    • (e)Enable accurate data to be provided for statistical and audit purposes.

2. Scope

  • 2.1. This policy applies exclusively to all Higher Education provision offered by The British Academy of Jewellery. This does not apply to provision validated by Kingston University.

3. Related documents

4. Responsibilities

  • 4.1. The Head of Academy HE has overall responsibility for the procedure, but has delegated day-to-day responsibility for overseeing its implementation to the staff identified:

Students are responsible for:

  • Submitting a claim for an extension 5 working days in advance of an assessment due date (and for providing valid evidence to support a claim when required).

Student Services and the Course Leader are responsible for:

  • Providing advice and guidance to students about the process of claiming an extension.
  • Reviewing and deciding on a short-term extension.
  • Tracking receipt of student’s claims and evidence.
  • Keeping students claims and evidence secure.
  • Updating student records and communicating the outcome of a claim to students.

5. Risk analysis

  • 5.1. This policy is required to ensure that correct procedures are in place and are followed.

Analyse risks of non-adherence to this policy

  • 5.2. Failure to adhere to this policy could lead to academic failure of students, complaints and in extreme cases, legal action.

Staff training needed

  • 5.3. All staff involved in this procedure are required to undertake annual training delivered by the Academic Support Team to outline the process by which they need to adhere. This training will be enhanced by annual updates provided on procedural requirements.

6. Data protection

  • 6.1. BAJ complies with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation Data Protection Act, 2018. As such, applicants’ and student data are treated as confidential by all staff involved in this process and is not divulged unnecessarily or inappropriately. However, the aforementioned Act requires BAJ to release certain information to UK authorities upon request in order to assist those authorities with the prevention and detection of fraud or other crimes. We will release the requested information on receipt of an appropriate request from UK authorities such as (but not limited to) the police, the Home Office (for immigration and related matters), local authorities, and the Department for Work and Pensions. We may use anonymised data collected as part of an individual’s application for an extension for the purpose of fulfilling statistical and reporting requirements.

7. Support for students

  • 7.1. Students wishing to request an extension to a summative assignment submission deadline must meet with a Student Advisor or submit a Long-Term Extension Request Application Form to Student Services.
  • 7.2. Telephone appointments can be arranged if required, but the student will be required to sign the request paperwork. A student can make an appointment with a Student Advisor by,

8. Timescales and deadlines

  • 8.1. Students can only submit a request for an extension no later than 5 working days before the original assignment summative assessment due date.
  • 8.2. If requested by the Course Leader, the student must provide evidence to support their claim within 5 working days of submitting the request to Student Services and before the original assessment deadline.
  • 8.3. The  Student  Advisor will inform the student of the outcome within 5 working days of the request submission. However, should there be a delay, for example, where evidence is not submitted at the time of the request, the decision should be communicated to the student within 10  working days of the form being submitted.
  • 8.4. The student should be informed of the consequence of the request being rejected at the point of submitting their form. Extension requests will not automatically be granted. A student should continue to work towards the original deadline until they receive a response, in the form of a signed approved extension form, from the Student Services team.
  • 8.5. Long-term extensions can be applied for up to a maximum of one year. Students are permitted to submit the work earlier than the expiry date of the extension period. The proposed new deadline date will be negotiated between the student and the Course Leader and will be based on how far they have progressed with the assessment(s) in question.
  • 8.6. If a student’s circumstances require additional time beyond the expiry date of the original extension, they can apply for mitigation (see separate guidance) as no further extensions can be granted.

9. Criteria for requesting an assignment extension

  • 9.1. An extension claim should be used to support students whose academic performance has been impacted by their circumstances. Long-term extensions are however considered if the student is experiencing personal or professional difficulties and the use of other measures (for example the mitigation process) would:
    • Result in a significant disadvantage to the student’s academic performance and/or ability to complete scheduled (re)assessment tasks.
    • Result in the exacerbation of an existing health problem or result in additional stress-related problems.
    • Fail to address the underlying problem or issue which is unpredictable in nature.
  • 9.2. The following are acceptable reasons for such a request:
    • Personal short-term illness.
    • Short-term illness of a person for whom the student has the responsibility of care.
    • Bereavement death of close relative/significant other (which in an employment context would have led to a period of compassionate leave); authorised absence from BAJ during teaching weeks.
    • Other reasons considered acceptable by the Course Leader.
  • 9.3. The following are not acceptable reasons for such a request:
    • Academic workload.
    • Misreading the instructions on submission deadlines in the MDF, on the Learning Management System or on the timetable.
    • Computer USB memory stick, disk, printer or any other technical failure for which the student is responsible (students should ensure that they keep a backup copy of their work).
    • Unauthorised absence from BAJ (e.g. holiday taken during teaching weeks and assessment periods).

10. Request for supporting evidence

  • 10.1. The Course Leader will request, at their discretion, evidence from a student to support extension requests, especially if they are regularly seeking multiple extensions (i.e. for many different elements of assessment on numerous occasions).
  • 10.2. Medical evidence (e.g., a note from a doctor or other healthcare professional confirming the illness or incident during the period in which it was apparent) will be sought for extension requests made on medical grounds.
  • 10.3. If supporting evidence is required but not available at the time the student submits their request, Student Services must inform the student that they have five working days to provide it. It should be noted that evidence must also be submitted before the original assessment deadline. If the supporting evidence is not received by this deadline the request is automatically rejected.

11. Decision making

  • 11.1. A Student Advisor and the HE Course Leader must assess a request based on whether circumstances outside a student’s control have arisen which prevent submission or are likely to result in significant underperformance if the original deadline is enforced.
  • 11.2. Extension requests are considered against two criteria by the BAJ team:
    • The basis of the claim is an acceptable ground for a long-term extension; and
    • The claim is supported by documentary evidence, which must accompany the claim wherever practicable. If evidence to support the claim is requested but does not confirm the reasons outlined for such a request to be valid, the claim will be rejected.
  • 11.3. If the reason for the request is not assessed as valid, the request will be rejected.
  • 11.4. If evidence to support the claim is requested but does not confirm the reasons outlined for such a request to be valid, the claim will be rejected.

12. Recording of coursework extension requests, decision and updating of assessment records

  • 12.1. Long-Term Extension Request Application Forms, supporting evidence and Extension Forms are retained by the team and held confidentially and securely on individual student files.
  • 12.2. Academic Support will also record the engagement with the student, the date, the reason for the request and the outcome on a data tracker. The record of reason for the request does not include specific details. The record is kept confidential to the team and is only used to track specific student’s claims.
  • 12.3. If approved, Academic Support will record the new extended submission deadline on Canvas along with the announcement. Notice of the approval or rejection is entered on to Canvas.
  • 12.4. Approved Extension Forms are sent to the Head of Academy HE. Students are requested to attach the extension form to the assessment cover sheet when submitting their work, noting the new deadline date.

13. Appeals procedure

Short-term academic extension






Students to complete a Short-Term Extension Request Application Form to Student Services.


At least 5 working days before the before the original assessment deadline.


Students can provide evidence to support their claim within 5 working days of submitting the request to Student Services and before the original assessment deadline.


No later than 5 working days of submitting the request and before the before the original assessment



Review request.

Course Leader and Student Support

Within 2 working days from receiving the request (and evidence).


If at this point the short-term extension is rejected, the student is notified of the outcome.

Student Services

Within 2 working days from receiving the request (and evidence).


An Extension form is completed and signed if the short-term extension is approved.

Course Leader

Within 2 working days from receiving the request (and evidence).


The Head of Academy HE is sent the approved Extension form.

Course Leader

Within 2 working days from receiving the request (and evidence).


Canvas is updated with the new extended submission deadline.

Course Leader

Within 10 working days.

Long-term academic extension






Students to complete a Long-Term Extension Request Application Form to Student Services.


Before the original assessment



Students can provide evidence to support their claim within 5 working days of submitting the request to Student Services and before the original assessment deadline.


No later than 5 working days of submitting the request and before the original assessment deadline.


Review request.

Course Leader And Student Support 

Within 5 working days from receiving the request (and evidence).


If at this point the long-term extension is rejected, the student is notified of the outcome.

Student Services

Within 5 working days from receiving the request (and evidence).


An Extension form is completed if the long-term extension is approved.

Course Manage

Within 5 working days from receiving the request (and evidence).


The Head of Academy HE is sent the approved Extension form.

Student Services

Within 5 working days from receiving the request (and evidence).


Canvas is updated with the new extended submission deadline.

Course Leader

Within 10 working days.

Originator: Quality Manager: Higher Education

Issue: HE/AFS_V2 2023

Approved: SMT September 2023

Review Date:August 2024

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