HE Student Intermission of Study Procedure
1. Introduction
It is the expectation of BAJ that a student will complete their course in one continuous period of uninterrupted study. However, it is understood that students may encounter personal difficulties or situations which may seriously disrupt their studies. This procedure outlines the procedures to be followed concerning the intermission of a student which, if approved, allows a student to stop studying for an agreed period of time before resuming their studies.
1.1. The purpose is to have a clear procedure that will:
a) Apply a uniformity and consistency of treatment across BAJ.
b) Provide clear guidance on the process to be followed when a student fails to satisfy progression criteria, or initiates intermission from their studies at BAJ.
c) Enable up-to-date student information to be available.
d) Serve as a BAJ procedure statement to any interested third parties.
e) Enable accurate data to be provided for statistical and audit purposes.
f) Provide evidence for the appropriate funding body that students are on programme.
2. Scope
2.1. This procedure applies exclusively to all Higher Education students registered with British Academy of Jewellery
3. Related Documents
- Form – Intermission Form
- Administration Letter – Successful Intermission Claim
- Administration Letter – Unsuccessful Intermission Claim
- HE Student Attendance Policy and Procedure
- Awarding Body Regulation – (Pearson and KU links)
4. Responsibilities
4.1 All staff who are responsible for the collection, storage, processing of student data and for providing advice to students are responsible for ensuring that this procedure is complied with.
5. Risk analysis
5.1 This policy is required to ensure that student’s attendance registration is updated when they intermit and the correct procedure is followed.
Analyse risks of non-adherence to this policy.
Failure to have this policy in place or non-adherence may result in inconsistent practices leading to dissatisfaction and poor reputation.
6. Staff training needed
6.1 BAJ will ensure that those who need to see the information will have received appropriate guidance and training.
7. Data protection
7.1 BAJ complies with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation Data Protection Act, 2018. As such, applicants’ and student data are treated as confidential by all staff involved in this process and is not divulged unnecessarily or inappropriately. However, the aforementioned Act requires BAJ to release certain information to UK authorities upon request in order to assist those authorities with the prevention and detection of fraud or other crimes. We will release the requested information on receipt of an appropriate request from UK authorities such as (but not limited to) the police, Home Office (for immigration and related matters), local authorities, and the Department for Work and Pensions.
7.2 Intermission applications, including any evidence, are treated as confidential, unless for the protection of a student or other individuals), there are circumstances in which confidentiality cannot be maintained.
7.3 We may use anonymised data collected as part of a student’s application for intermission for the purpose of fulfilling statistical and reporting requirements.
8. Terminology
8.1 Intermission is sometimes referred to by awarding bodies as a break in study, interruption of studies or intercalation. It refers to when a registered student is either considering or intending to stop studying for a specific period of time, but they intend to resume studies with BAJ at a future date which has been agreed by BAJ.
8.2 Withdrawal refers to where a student voluntarily wishes to leave BAJ permanently and terminate their studies at BAJ. It is also where a student is required to leave BAJ. This may be for academic or other reasons (i.e., a student can be withdrawn by the Exam Board after exhausting all assessment attempts or after non-engagement or communication from the student in response to attendance monitoring messages).
9. Academic regulation for intermission
Kingston University: kingston.ac.uk/aboutkingstonuniversity/howtheuniversityworks/policiesandregulations/general-regulations/
10. BAJ intermission process
10.1 Students wishing to interrupt their studies are encouraged to speak to their Course Manager to discuss any course related issues that are impacting on their studies before they formally apply for intermission. The Course Manager is involved in the assessment of a claim once submitted.
10.2 Wherever possible, a student should apply for intermission before they stop attending taught sessions. Some interruptions, however, are not predictable and a student may need to ask for intermission after difficulties have already come to light. In these circumstances the student should seek the advice of BAJ Student Services as soon as possible to discuss options. However, retrospective applications for intermission, will not be considered without a credible and compelling explanation as to why the circumstances were not known before the beginning of the proposed period of interruption or why a student was unable to complete or apply before that date.
11. Applying for intermission
11.1 To start the process of intermitting, the student needs to contact BAJ Student Services and speak to a Student Adviser. A student can make an appointment with a Student Advisor by:
Contact Student Services (Link here)
11.2 To apply, an Intermission Form must be completed by the student. This is available from Student Services. Students are encouraged to complete the form with a Student Adviser. The student should explain the main reason for intermittent, attach any supporting evidence, read the declaration, sign and submit the form to a Student Adviser. You should discuss with a Student Adviser when your intermission should start and end.
11.3 Acceptable supporting evidence includes:
- Medical documentation such as a letter from a doctor.
- Original (not photocopied) document written and signed by an appropriate third party, giving details of the circumstance, its duration, and, where possible, its impact. An appropriate third party would be one who knows the student in a professional capacity or one who can verify the circumstances (e.g. Employer, GP, Counsellor). Statements from the Course Manager and Module Tutors cannot be used.
11.4 The completed form and any supporting evidence can be either submitted paper based onsite, or print, sign, date, scan and return it by email. If returning it by email they must send it from their private email account to the above email address (see 11.1).
11.5 A Student Adviser checks that the student has completed the form correctly. This includes adding the students recorded last date of attendance, signing and dating the appropriate section of the form. The Course Manager is emailed an electronic copy of the form so that they can decide the outcome of the claim.
12. Last date of engagement
12.1 The students last date of engagement is recorded as the date the student last engaged with their academic studies. There must be a record of the engagement i.e. register mark. This includes but is not exhaustive.
- Lectures, tutorials, practical /lab sessions, workshop.
- Attending a presentation, exam, in-class test.
- Meeting with a member of staff for an academic related matter.
- Attendance at placement.
13. Last date of engagement
13.1 On receipt of the intermission application from a Student Adviser, the Course Manager reviews the request. Factors which will be considered by the Course Manager when reviewing a request for intermission will include the following:
- The nature of the reason for the request – whether it is serious and likely to be a long- term issue.
- The documentary evidence provided in relation to the reason.
- The performance, attendance and engagement of the student up to the point of the request. Students who do not regularly attend, are not engaged or who are struggling to perform academically will be considered a very high risk in relation to an and it may be more appropriate for them to withdraw entirely from study.
- The overall duration of the course.
- Any planned major or substantive changes to the format of the course.
- Any actions or plan necessary for resumption of studies. The module enrolment structure the student is expected to follow when they return must be checked. This is to make sure that the intermission does not affect the student’s ability to complete their course.
13.2 If the Course Leader recommends the application to intermit, they must enter the date they expect the student to return to study.
13.3 Registered students may apply for a period of intermission of up to 12 calendar months.
13.4 An approved return date must take full account of the academic coherence and requirements of the course for which the student is registered.
13.5 The Course Manager enters their recommendation on the form, signs and dates the relevant section and forwards this by email to Head of Academy who reviews the whole application and evidence and makes a final decision and returns the completed form back to a Student Adviser.
13.6 A student Adviser informs the student of the outcome of their Intermission application and their right to appeal the decision.
14. Appeals procedure
14.1 If a student’s application for intermission is refused or the student does not agree with the length of the approved period of intermission, they have the right to appeal the decision. The student should follow the HE Academic Appeal Policy available from britishacademyofjewellery.uk/policies-procedures/.
15. Access to resources and facilities during the intermission period
15.1 During an approved period of intermission students will not be registers at BAJ. Access to IT and Library services will stop. Students should not undertake work on BAJ premises (this includes all sites under the Group) as they will not be covered by insurance arrangements.
15.2 Students are not entitled to certain other benefits or services related to their studies e.g., exemption from council tax. Where relevant, a student must also abide by Student Finance England guidelines.
15.3 An intermitted student is unable to submit either formative or summative assessments during their intermittent period.
16. Financial impact of intermission
16.1 During a period of approved intermission, no tuition fee is charged. The process for calculating intermitted student’s tuition fee liability and any refund for fees paid beyond the students last date of attendance is outlined in the HE Tuition Fee Policy available from britishacademyofjewellery.uk/policies-procedures/.
16.2 It is expected that students will liaise with Student Finance or their employer to resolve any financial or funding issues as a result of their intermission.
17. Contact with BAJ during intermission period
17.1 It is the student’s responsibility to maintain contact with their Course Manager and Student Advisor.
17.2 A Student Adviser will attempt to contact intermitted students by email or telephone at least one calendar month prior to the students expected date of return to study to offer support relating to resumption of study.
18. Resuming study after intermission period
18.1 Students who intermit are expected to return and register to study at a date agreed at the time of the intermission.
18.2 Intermitting students who do not return to re-register for their course within 20 working days after the approved date of return from their period of intermission will be withdrawn from their course. Where a student fails to re-enrol, the last date of engagement is recorded as the first day of the new academic year.
18.3 Before resuming their studies, the student is required to complete the following steps. Failure to do this may result in a delay to resuming their studies.
a) Attend a meeting with the Course Manager and Student Adviser where the student confirms that the underlying reasons for their intermission have been addressed and resolved.
b) Complete registration processes within 20 working days of the agreed date of return from intermission.
c) Engage with an agreed plan for resumption of studies.
18.4 A student who has not completed all teaching on a module before intermitting should on return take the module again. The reasoning being that if they have not had all of the teaching then it is not reasonable to expect them to be able to complete the assessments.
18.5 If a student intermitted after teaching on a module was concluded must undertake/ submit any outstanding assessment in the next assessment period after they enrol.
19. Extending periods of intermission
19.1 A request by a student to extend their agreed intermission period will only be considered in extenuating circumstances.
19.2 The student must reapply to intermit by submitting a new intermission form following the process outlined above.
19.3 When reviewing the application, the Course Manager must assess whether the total duration of the absence affects the currency of study and their proficiency in any required professional skills and experience.